In a push towards sustainability, most products on this website are created after they are ordered. The creation process usually occurs within 5-7 business days but in the case of customized luxe couture handbags can take as many as 6-8 weeks. Please be mindful of the lead time required to create custom orders of high quality and often hand made products. All orders are shipped within 24 to 48 hours AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN CREATED using UPS, FedEx, DHL eCommerce, USPS, ePacket or other commercially available and viable means depending on your location and fastest available service. Typical delivery time frame is between 14 to 21 business days however, you may receive your items much earlier. All orders are shipped with tracking number so you can track it every step of the way! Packages may be faced with delays beyond our control such as customs, postal delays, or force majeure.

We typically provide free shipping in the continental U.S. on all orders over $100. Orders under $100 typically incur an $8 flat shipping fee. International orders will typically be charged a $39 flat rate shipping fee. We reserve the right to amend our shipping fee structure at any time.

1100 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Suite 2247, Washington, DC 20003
Phone: 302-319-2323